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어제보다 더 나은 나
n = int(input()) a = list() for i in range(n): word = input() a.append(word) non_sequence = 0 non_word = 0 for i in range(n): non_sequence = 0 word_length = len(a[i]) for j in range(word_length): temp = a[i][j] temp_i = j for k in range(j+1, word_length): if a[i][k] == temp and k - temp_i == 1: temp_i = k elif a[i][k] == temp and temp_i - k != 1: non_sequence = non_sequence + 1 break if non_sequ..
import math N = int(input()) F = int(input()) sol = N % F # 나머지 구하기 i = 0 temp_N = N while True: if temp_N//10 > 0: temp_N = temp_N//10 i += 1 else: break p = math.trunc(N / (100)) # 100의 자리숫자~ if math.trunc((N - sol + F)/100) == p: temp_N = N - sol + F # N에서 나머지를 빼줌. 즉 나누어 떨어짐 else : temp_N = N - sol for i in range(100//F): if math.trunc((temp_N-F)/100) == p: min_sol = (temp_N-F) % 100 temp_N =..
t = int(input()) test_case = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(2 * t)] for i in range(t): special_volume = 0 min_set = 0 maxi = max(test_case[2 * i + 1]) if maxi == 0: for j in range(len(test_case[2 * i + 1])): test_case[2 * i + 1][j] = test_case[2 * i + 1][j] + test_case[2 * i][1] min_set = min_set + 1 while True: if test_case[2 * i + 1][2] == 0: for j in range(len(test_case[2 * i..
t = int(input()) # 테스트케이스 수 s_list = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(t)] for i in range(t) : if (abs(s_list[i][0]) + abs(s_list[i][1]))
N = int(input()) M = N x = int(0) y = int(0) matrix = [[0] * 2 * N for _ in range(N)] # print(matrix) for i in range(N): if i % 4 == 0: if i == 0: for j in range(M): k = 2 * j matrix[x][y + k] = 1 x = i % 4 y = k M = M - 1 x = i % 4 y = k else: for j in range(1, M + 1): k = 2 * j matrix[x][y + k] = 1 x = x y = y + 2 * M M = M - 2 # print(f"{i} : {x}, {y}") elif i % 4 == 1: for j in range(1, M + ..